

                                                             STATES OF MATTER Gases, liquids, and crystalline solids are the primary states of matter or phases. The molecules, atoms, and ions in the solid state are held in close proximity by intermolecular, interatomic, or ionic forces. Solids with high vapor pressures, such as iodine and camphor, can pass directly from the solid to the gaseous state without melting at room temperature, known as Sublimation . Freeze Drying involves the principles of sublimation. The reverse process is called Deposition . There exhibits a fourth phase called as Mesophase , which lies in between the liquid and crystalline states called as Liquid Crystalline State . Supercritical Fluids are also considered a mesophase that lies in between liquids and ...

Short notes on Intermolecular Forces

                                                             PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY INTERMOLECULAR FORCES:- Cohesion means attraction between like molecules and adhesion means attraction between unlike molecules. For molecules to interact, attractive & repulsive forces must be balanced in an energetically favored arrangement. Knowledge of these forces and their balance (equilibrium) is important for understanding not only the properties of gases, liquids, and solids, but also interfacial phenomena, flocculation in suspensions, stabilization of emulsions, compaction of powders in capsules, dispersion of powders or liquid droplets in aerosols, and the compression of granules to form tablets. When molecules interact, both replusive and attractive forces operate. attractive forces are necessary for molecules to cohere, whereas repulsive f...


PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY: 1. Composition & physical states of matter Intermolecular forces & their impact on the state of the matter. Various physical properties of matter, dipole moment, dielectric constant, Van Der Waal's equation & critical phenomenon, liquefaction of gases, aerosols. 2. Colligative Properties The liquid state, vapor pressure, ideal & real solutions. Raoult's law, elevation of boiling point, depression of freezing point, osmotic pressure, determination of molecular weight based on colligative properties. 3. Thermodynamics First, second & third law of thermodynamics. Thermochemical laws, isothermic & adiabatic processes, reversible processes, work of expansion, heat content, enthalpy, heat capacity. Gibb's & Helmholtz equation & chemical potential. 4. Refractive index Refractive index, specific refractivity, molar refractivity, refractometers. 5. Solutions Solubility, factors affecting solubility, solubility curves. Types of solu...